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Fundamental rights of migrant children in the EU: Current challenges and opportunities

Date From 11.07.2022 time
End Date To 11.07.2022 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , Pisa 56127 Italia

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Foreign minors' rights, from inclusion to climate change: final conference, organized by Sant'Anna School, of the Jean Monnet MARS Module (Migration, Asylum and the Rights of Minors)

The final conference, "Fundamental Rights of Migrant Children in the EU: Current Challenges and Opportunities", organized by Sant'Anna School, takes place on Monday, July 11 (9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.) in the Aula Magna in presence and online mode, with prior registration. The conference discusses a multitude of emerging and protracted challenges on respecting the rights of foreign children, particularly topics such as climate change, inclusion, and the status of foreign minors at the EU's external borders.

Highlights of the first session of the conference include speeches by Steve Peers (University of Essex), Ledi Bianku (University of Strasbourg) and Helen Stalford (University of Liverpool) who focus, respectively, on the topic of foreign minors' rights in the "New Covenant on Migration and Asylum", the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the vulnerability of minors to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Among the salient moments of the second session, Veronica Federico (University of Florence), Michela Lonardi (Save the Children) and Susan F. Martin (Georgetown University) explore the challenges related to the integration of foreign children and the impact of climate change on the respect of their fundamental rights.

The conference figures as the concluding event of the Jean Monnet MARS Module (Migration, Asylum and the Rights of Minors, 2019-2022) coordinated by Francesca Biondi Dal Monte, professor of constitutional law at Sant'Anna School. The MARS project aimed to develop and disseminate in-depth knowledge on the rights of foreign minors through different types of educational activities and training events, both for students and professionals.

The detailed program and more information are available HERE.

Registration required by emailing Francesca Biondi Dal Monte: .